- 1
First Comes Love47m
A bookseller from Queens meets a librarian from Virginia. They fall in love, marry, have a baby—and trigger an unimaginable series of events.
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Then Comes a Baby in a Baby Carriage50m
The exhaustion of new parenthood is taking its toll on Emma and Apollo. To make matters worse, Emma starts getting strange texts.
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Emma does the unthinkable. Apollo tries to find meaning in the aftermath—and finally decides what to do with his valuable book.
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The Wise Ones45m
Apollo and Patrice make a sale to William Wheeler, who later gives Apollo stunning news.
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This Womans Work45m
The mysterious washerwomans ominous words leave a lasting impression. Apollo comes face-to-face with his true enemy.
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Emma finds Cal and the Wise Ones on North Brother Island, where she pieces together clues to locate a special place.
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Stormy Weather57m
Lillian reckons with a dark night from her past and records a message for her son, Apollo.
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Battle of the Island29m
Kinder Gartens fury rips across the island, sending Cal, Apollo, and the others out into the darkness.