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Auditions - Drag Anthems45m
The twenty best artists from the Brazilian drag queen scene try to enter the competition for the pop crown, but only fifteen
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Triple Alliances45m
The fifteen queens perform in trios, meet the coaches who will take them to the top 10 and have a taste of how the competition can change their lives. A dream trio show reveals what will be expected from the queens on stage.
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Which Drag Am I?50m
The ten remaining queens have to show off their inner divas. At the training center, they learn evolution has no limits, and after the presentations, a new element of the competition is revealed: Queenscandal is coming!
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Being a Diva46m
You will only stay in the game by being a diva! The queens empower their inner divas at the training center while dealing with the pressure of competition and Queenscandals gift, which can be a thorn in everyones side.
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Speeding Up the Beat46m
Our queens must sweat their wigs off to give flawless performances with speeded-up hits. That is if they can survive the restrictions imposed by Queenscandals power.
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Tearing Hearts45m
With performances full of passion and romantic songs, the queens are out to tearing hearts. For this episode, Queenscandal has immunity and cant be eliminated by the other contestants.
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The semifinal connects the queens with their masculine side as they perform hits made popular by music divos interpretations. Pabllo helps the queens find the connection they need to guarantee a place in the final.
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Gran Finale44m
The final five queens face a challenging lip-sync that turns into singing, showcasing their full potential to win their place in