- 1
Episódio 154m
Detective Jun-mo goes undercover within Gangnam Union to probe an international drug trade.
- 2
Episódio 253m
Barely passing Gi-cheuls test, Jun-mo joins Gangnam Union and discovers an unexpected truth.
- 3
Episódio 354m
Eui-jeongs appearance puts the squad in trouble. Gi-cheul finds last nights attack suspicious.
- 4
Episódio 455m
The team seeks Eui-jeongs aid to assist Jun-mo in a crisis, which leads to a perilous love triangle.
- 5
Episódio 553m
Earning Gi-cheuls trust, Jun-mo becomes anxious as he sees Gi-cheul making a move towards Eui-jeong.
- 6
Episódio 61h 1m
The delivery accident jeopardizes the trade. Detective Hwang closely surveils Gangnam Union.
- 7
Episódio 71h 10m
Hae-ryun shows interest in Jun-mo and Eui-jeong approaches Gi-cheul. Jun-mo takes an extreme measure.
- 8
Episódio 859m
Gi-cheul suspects Jun-mo. The four peoples irreversible decisions trigger the biggest crisis.
- 9
Episódio 954m
The battle with Jae-geon creates a crack. Jun-mo joins forces with Hae-ryun to resume the trade.
- 10
Episódio 1059m
Jun-mo and Eui-jeong juggle duty and feelings. Hwang continues to meddle, and the final day arrives.
- 11
Episódio 1154m
An accident halts the trade and a crisis approaches as Eui-jeong and Do-hyung worry about Jun-mo.
- 12
Episódio 121h 7m
Gi-cheul and Jun-mo make their way to the final deal. Korea, China, and Japan prepare for the arrest.